DeCS 2004 — Conclusion of the Conversion of Letters

Following the standard adopted by MeSH, the letters of the terms (descriptors and synonyms) of the DeCS vocabulary were changed to lower case (from the second letter on), in the three languages, including also the SP and HP categories. Most changes were made globally. The most representative ones are illustrated below:


·          Normal cases:

Vacinas Anti-Câncer Vacinas Anti-Câncer

Doença Cardiopulmonar Doença Cardiopulmonar


·          Organismos in Latin (genus and species):

HOMO SAPIENS Homo sapiens

Primula officinalis Primula officinalis


·          Organismos with acronyms/abbreviations and single letters:


Ratos Endogâmicos A x C 9935 Irlandeses Ratos Endogâmicos A x C 9935 Irlandeses


·          Chemical terms with acronyms/abbreviations which differ in one or more languages):

AIDS ANTIGENS AIDS Antigens (English)

ANTÍGENOS DA AIDS Antígenos da AIDS (português)

ANTIGENOS DEL SIDA Antigenos del SIDA (espanhol)

ANTÍGENOS HIV Antígenos HIV (português)

ANTIGENOS VIH Antiígenos VIH (espanhol)


·          Chemical terms which include names of organisms:

Silent Information Regulator Proteins, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Silent Information Regulator Proteins, Saccharomyces cerevisiae


·          Others:

- Accronyms/abbreviations and others which contain exceptions (Roman numerals, Greek letters, etc):


Platelet Glycoprotein GPIIb-IIIa Complex Platelet Glycoprotein GPIIb-IIIa Complex

FaCtor XIIIa Factor XIIIa

ATPase ATPase

Adrenergic alpha-Agonists Adrenergic alpha-Agonists

Oncogene Protein p75(gag-fos-fox) Oncogene Protein p75(gag-fos-fox)


- Words equal to Accronyms, whose characters should be lowered:




- Articles, conjunctions and prepositions:


Africa South of the Sahara Africa South of the Sahara

AcademiEs AND InstitutEs Academies and Institutes


- homeopathic terms which, although in Latim in the three languages, are not of animal nor plant origin (organisms), but chemical/mineral (substances):


CADMIUM OXYDATUM Cadmium Oxydatum    (Latin for Cadmium Oxide).